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ISO 965-5-1998 ISO一般用途米制螺纹公差第5部分:与镀锌前公差带位置为h最大尺寸的热沉镀锌外螺纹相配的内螺纹的极限尺寸

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-25 02:20:41  浏览:8219   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE ARP493
Title:Knobs, Control Aircraft, Recommended Design
Issuing Committee:A-20ac Crew Station And Interior Lighting Committee
Scope:The purpose of this document is to recommend shapes and sizes of knobs which will guide the design of these components toward eventual uniformity. This recommended practice is intended to recommend the basic shapes and dimensions for knobs used in aircraft. Two basic types of knobs, the bar shape and the round shape, are described, as well as several widely used variations of these two basic shapes.
